Managing the Life-Work balance for professionals is a big issue. It’s even a bigger deal for professional women, who try to juggle between demanding jobs, ambition, being a real “mom”, and heaven forbid, having some time for themselves.
I was talking to Lisa, a close friend and entrepreneur, about this subject (somehow, it always comes up in our discussions…). She told me about a Cardiologist mom of one of her kids friends that has very strict rules about work; she has 2 days a week on which after 2pm she does not work and she can not be on call.
She asked her, “but what if one of your patients just after surgery is not doing well and needs you?”. The Dr. replied said “there is always a replacement doctor; I am not available under any circumstances”.
Wow! If she can say that with the life of a human on her hands, why can’t I do that with what I am doing – no one will die and no deal will explode if there was one afternoon I was not available.
It’s not that I haven’t tried (as has Lisa). Somehow, on that day that I have set aside to “leave early” (4pm for me), there is always some meeting that just can’t be scheduled at any other time but that.
I wonder – does professionalism overide that bold decision of leaving early, or is it the lack of understanding of the others to this need of mine? So what will happen if this “very important meeting” gets pushed out by a week?
I often offer advice to others on the subject, using orthodox jews as an example. You would never think to call, or ask someone to work on a Friday night or Saturday, right? It’s just not an option. Period.
Perhaps Lisa and I need to redefine the Sabbath, starting on Wednesday at 4PM (or earlier?), lasting until Thursday morning .
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